Home / FAQ


Here you can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions

You can register to Condo Free as an administrator for free:

  • Click on 'Register' at the top right hand corner
  • Fill in the form and the necessary fields
  • Receive a registration confirmation message
  • Click on the link in the email and complete the registration process
  • Access the website using your login credentials (email and password)
  • Click on 'New Condominium'
  • Create one or  more condominiums
  • You can choose the condominium to work with selecting it from the menu at the top left hand corner

You can also login by using your Google+ and Yahoo! account credentials.

If you normally use a certified email address, please also activate non-certified email so you can receive messages from Condo Free.

 Watch the demo video

  • Login
  • Go to the 'Condominium' page from the menu at the top right hand corner
  • Access the condominium for which you are the administrator
  • Choose 'Housing unit' from the menu on the left 
  • Add the Condominium Housing Units
  • For each Housing Unit, simply associate the various unit owners

To add Unit Owners belonging to the condominium simply enter your email address and the type (i.e.: conductor, owner, usufructuary).

If the condominium hasn't yet been registered on Condo Free, the system will send an email invitation requesting you to register.

 Watch the demo video

You can register as a condominium for free on Condo Free:

  • Click on 'Register' at the top right hand corner
  • Fill in the required fields
  • You'll now receive the registration confirmation email
  • Click on the link in the email and complete the registration process
  • Access the website with your account credentials (email and password)
  • Click on 'Documents' and 'Communications' to access your documentation

When you receive a new document or communication, this will be indicated as a notification, to the left of your personal profile data. You can view all notifications by clicking on the icon next to your personal data.

You can also Login using your Google+ and Yahoo! profile.

Should you decide to use a certified e-mail account, please make sure you also enable the reception of non-certified mail in order to receive messages from Condo Free.

 Watch the demo video

The  condominium administrator can post messages directly to the unit owners from the 'Communications' menu. 'Communications' may be sent to all unit owners, to individuals or groups that can be defined by role. Communications are sent by email to the various recipients and listed in the 'Communications' menu in their personal profile and highlighted as a new notification to the left of the personal data.

 Watch the demo video

The condominium administrator can publish documents direct to unit owners, from the 'Documents' menu. 'Documents' can be sent to all unit owners, individuals or groups that can be defined by role. Each new document is listed in the 'Documents' menu within the unit owner personal profile section and highlighted as a new notification to the left of the personal data.

 Watch the demo video

Searching within the website is the most effective way to find the desired content using your own terminology.

 Watch the demo video

The path that the user has followed, from the Home page to the current page, is displayed on every page of the site (excluding the home page) and is organized as follows: Home> Section> Subsection> Current Page.

Path elements are active links: the user can in fact, jump to previous points of the path without having to continuously use your browser's 'Back' button.

 Watch the demo video

If you are an administrator, you can transfer the management of the building's condominium to another administrator.

Following the transfer to a new administrator:

  • He/she will receive an email notification
  • If you are not yet registered on Condo Free, please follow through with the registration process
  • Accepts the invitation
  • Becomes the new administrator on Condo Free
  • Can then manage and add the necessary documentation

 Watch the demo video

If you aren't an administrator, you can contact another unit owner only if he/she has chosen to be visible to other unit owners. In this case, in the 'Unit Owners' page, you will be able to see his/her data.

 Watch the demo video

Condo Free doesn't support obsolete web browsers such as Explorer 6 or 7.

To be able to use Condo Free, simply update you current web browser to a more up to date version.

Download Google Chrome Download Internet Explorer Download Firefox